The comparison between H1 and H2 Economics at A Levels.

By: JamesNavarro

The comparison between H1 and H2 Economics at A Levels.

Many believe that passing your A-Levels means you have a higher degree of intelligence. This means that the subjects you are going to be studying in junior college are going to be even more challenging than the ones you studied at high school. This is normal, however, it can be quite overwhelming to master the distinctions between H1 and subjects in H2. Particularly if you’ve decided to choose Economics to pass your A-Levels You may be asking yourself what’s the difference between H1 and H2 Economics and which one will be best suited for you. We have the answer for you.

H1 Economics

H1 Economics introduces you the world of economic principles and all that is related to the production, consumption, and distribution of wealth. If you’re going for the 3H2, 1H1 option, you probably should consider enrolling in H1 economics. While H1 Economics isn’t so complicated as H2 Economics it is still difficult to comprehend the basic. Furthermore, when it comes to the weightage for the course and the paper format Case studies carry 70% weightage percent, while essays comprise the remaining 30 percent. Additionally, you will need to complete H1 Economics, that requires you to write only two case studies and one essay.

H2 Economics

It is believed that a large part of what you study in H2 Economics is also included in H1 economics. In particular, about 90% of what you learn in H2 Economics is part of H1 Economics. The major difference lies in the amount of each subject is covered. While H1 Economics covers the most fundamental economic concepts, H2 Economics will not. H2 Economics is, however, focused more on essays and not case studies, which is a departure from H1 Economics. If you decide to take a course in H2 Economics, then you’ll have to write two essays.

H1 Economics vs H2 Economics Which one should you choose?

It is your responsibility to choose whether you wish to study H1 Economics or H2 Economics. Each subject will require lots of work. It also depends on your strengths and interests lie. If you are a fan of case studies and you enjoy working on them Then H1 Economics could be the perfect choice for you. If you are not familiar with Economics this is a fantastic option. This course is an excellent foundational course to help you learn the ABCs of the subject.

However selecting H2 Economics would be the ideal choice if like essays since they have greater weightage in the test. H2 Economics has double the credit points over H1 Economics, since you’ll have to complete two papers rather than one. This makes H2 Economics more challenging than the H1 equivalent. Even though most of the subjects covered in H2 economics are also discussed in the H1 Economics course, the difficulty is in the higher degree of understanding of each subject covered. This is another reason for why H2 Economics is more challenging than H1.

Final Verdict

The depth of the H1 Economics and H2 Economics might differ. Both will require that you invest a significant amount of effort to understand the concepts. It is important to not undervalue the importance of either of these subjects. Whether you opt for H1 or H2 Economics the chances of passing the exam are contingent on the effort you put in and the tutoring skills of your instructor. Enrolling for JC Economics Tuition could make all the difference.

But, you should also consider where your interests lie with regard to essays and case studies as that could determine how well you score on your test. Although dedication and hard work do make a difference in passing the test, your passion in the subject and the types of questions you’ll be asked on the test play an important role as well. For students who have a knack for writing and interest in writing essays, H2 Economics would be the best choice. H1 Economics could be the ideal choice for those who are looking for cases studies. The rest is contingent on how hard they study to pass their test.

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